Support Political Prisoners Demanding Justice for Black Lives in Ambazonia
Recently, 138 political prisoners being held in the prisons and secret detention centers of the French Neocolonial regime in Cameroon wrote and signed a petition to the international community articulating their demand for an Independent International Fact-Finding Mission to the conflict in Ambazonia, otherwise known as English-speaking Cameroon. These prisoners represent leaders in organized sectors, including physicians, journalists, professors, students, teachers, lawyers, construction workers, and union organizers. They are among the nearly 3000 Ambazonians who were caught in the Cameroon military campaign that was launched following mass nonviolent protests led by legal workers, students and teachers in 2016.
In their petition, the imprisoned leaders articulate their fear that they will not survive the COVID19 pandemic, and state that their last wish is to see firm movement toward justice for the families of the victims of the worst atrocities committed by the Cameroon forces. They are asking for the UN Security Council to mandate an International Fact Finding Mission because this will signal an end to the reigning culture of impunity, thereby saving lives and opening a path toward peace.
Please join the campaign to support our political prisoners' demand for Justice for Black Lives in Ambazonia! The campaign linked here will directly contact all 535 of US Congress, and decisionmakers in a half dozen other countries:
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